-Java swing file Chooser in java is a frame display object that allows you to open or save a file. It looks like this:
-Now let's take a simple example of opening and saving files.
-In the above code you notice two commands to display under open and save files are different.
-The JFileChooser.APPROVE_OPTION argument indicates that you have accepted the "Open" or "Save" file.
-The save and open icons you put in the same package as follows:
-Read more custom jtabbedpane in java swing with detail example:
-Now let's take a simple example of opening and saving files.
-File name: DemoJFileChooser.java
-Continue DemoJFileChooser.java-In the above code you notice two commands to display under open and save files are different.
- int select = fc.showOpenDialog (this);
- int select = fc.showSaveDialog (this);
-The JFileChooser.APPROVE_OPTION argument indicates that you have accepted the "Open" or "Save" file.
-The save and open icons you put in the same package as follows:
-Read more custom jtabbedpane in java swing with detail example:
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